Add free form field for stores to search wo#



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    Greg Rakovsky


    Thanks for the suggestion. Can you elaborate a little more? Are you using that field to store wo numbers? Are you talking about dashboard?

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    Permanently deleted user

    I think the idea is a contains search or keyword search field. The dashboard reports allow you to sort but not filter. If the dashboard user wanted to quickly see all HVAC they could sort by trade but still need to potentially scroll through. Either that or go through the exercise of attempting to enter a work order and hope that the potential duplicates will bring up the order. Being able to use a keyword like "leak", "roof", "cooler" etc... would save time.

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    Jennifer Mazza

    It would be nice to have a search box on the new bar that is across the top so I don't have to keep going back to "Home".  Also, it is possible to have our custom reports on our dashboard?


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